Custom Order Brianna Renwick
Custom Order Brianna Renwick
1. What color leather?
Navy Blue
2. What color do you want the second piece of leather to be engraved on?
Light Brown
3: Paper: aged lined, aged unlined, white lined, white unlined?
Aged Lined
4. What kind of closure: 1 swing latch, 2 swing latch, Belts, No closure, Sword closure, Wrap.
Swords Closure
5: Do you want charms? If yes, what kind?
Yes a pentagram gold if possible, a little glass bottle, any crystal charms if you have, but anything witchy is welcome
7. Metal corners?
Yes gold please
8. What do you want the book to say?
My Eclectic Grimoire (If possible can you laser on to the cover the phases of the moon, Gemini zodiac symbol, and a crystal please. If not that’s ok)
9. Do you want any lace on the book? If yes, what color? I have purple, burgundy, green, black ,white
No thank you
10.. What size? 4x6, 7x5, 8x5, 10x7,
*Aged lined paper can only be done in size 8x5
8x5 please
8x5, sword closure, custom title $100