Customer Reviews

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I highly recommend getting one! The journals are beautifully done, and you can tell a lot of thought and care went into them. The customer service is excellent. I had an issue with the shipping on my end, and I got very fast and positive responses to help resolve the issue. I do wish there was a confirmation email and/or text update during the process, but overall, I am very thankful for my book.


Customer service is awful. I placed an order and didn’t get an order confirmation until I text I was going to dispute the charges. She immediately apologized and said she is the only one working and she is overwhelmed. She is focusing on making the paper. I completely get the process time. Not an issue the items are beautiful. What is not acceptable is no order confirmation and no communication back when a concern is brought up. I am still waiting for my rushed order for the sorry that my confirmation wasn’t sent to me. Otherwise she seems very kind just lack of communication.


Customer service is awful. I placed an order and didn’t get an order confirmation until I text I was going to dispute the charges. She immediately apologized and said she is the only one working and she is overwhelmed. She is focusing on making the paper. I completely get the process time. Not an issue the items are beautiful. What is not acceptable is no order confirmation and no communication back when a concern is brought up. I am still waiting for my rushed order for the sorry that my confirmation wasn’t sent to me. Otherwise she seems very kind just lack of communication.


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Jazmine- The artist

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Jazmine-The Artist

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